[OpenAFS] Re: Woah, it seems like it's working (1.3.77+ on 2.6.10)

Jason McCormick jasonmc@cert.org
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 23:36:11 -0500

--On Friday, January 14, 2005 03:18:42 PM -0500 Matthew Miller
<mattdm@mattdm.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 01:42:33PM -0500, chas williams - CONTRACTOR
> wrote:
>> try editing a file (with vim).  when you write the file (like :w or :wq),
>> the file disappears.  or atleast it seems to do this for me.  it seems
>> like there is something strange going on with the dcache and rename.
>> not entirely sure though.
> Doh! Yes, I remember you saying that earlier, and so I tested modifying a
> file, but I used 'joe' instead of vim, and that works fine. Obviously
> joe's doing whatever it does differently from vim.

  In my experience, vim has had other problems with AFS as well.  If you're
klog-ed as another user other than the UNIX "owner" of the file, vim barfs
warnings and errors all over the place.  However the file disappearing is
bad.  Is this with memcache as well or just disk cache? 

Jason McCormick
CERT Infrastructure Team
jasonmc@cert.org ** 412-268-7961