[OpenAFS] unresolved symbol with openafs 1.3.83 and linux 2.4.31
Dimitris Zilaskos
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 14:17:55 +0300 (EEST)
Hi ,
I just compiled openafs 1.3.82 on a slackware 10 with linux 2.4.31 and I
get this :
insmod /usr/local/lib/openafs/libafs-2.4.31.mp.o
/usr/local/lib/openafs/libafs-2.4.31.mp.o: unresolved symbol rxkad_stats
Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license
and it has unresolved symbols. Contact the module supplier for
assistance, only they can help you.
Any suggestions ?
Best regards ,
Dimitris Zilaskos
Department of Physics @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece
PGP key : http://tassadar.physics.auth.gr/~dzila/pgp_public_key.asc
MD5sum : de2bd8f73d545f0e4caf3096894ad83f pgp_public_key.asc