[OpenAFS] cache use topping out at around 3GB?

chas williams - CONTRACTOR chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Tue, 07 Jun 2005 09:25:17 -0400

In message <20050607131846.GA4269@jadzia.bu.edu>,Matthew Miller writes:
>Hmmm. Bumping up the chunksize (to 20) seems to have done something: 
>  AFS using 5085868 of the cache's available 8388608 1K byte blocks.

cache fullness is determined by this function:

#define afs_CacheIsTooFull() \
    (afs_blocksUsed - afs_blocksDiscarded > \
        (CM_DCACHECOUNTFREEPCT*afs_cacheBlocks)/100 || \
     afs_freeDCCount - afs_discardDCCount < \

i suspect that you are running up against the second test (-files 50000 *
CM_DCACHECOUNTFREEPCT 95%).  increasing the chunksize is probably a good
idea regardless.