[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.3.87 and 1.4.0-rc6 stability issues on Solaris 10

chas williams - CONTRACTOR chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:59:52 -0400

In message <20051011181108.A17698@ccdevli1.in2p3.fr>,Loic Tortay writes:
>If so, has someone a clue on where to look for the origin of this
>problem ?

can you try this:

. keep afs from autostarting (rename startup script)
. add "set default_stksize=0x8000" to /etc/system
. reboot
. login and manually start afs (/etc/init.d/afs start)

now try svcs -p