[OpenAFS] uss bulk wont work

Rainer Laatsch Laatsch@rrz.uni-koeln.de
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:36:14 +0200 (MEST)

The following error happens persistently (single RW volume) on all user
#  uss delete zzabic1 /afs/.rrz/usr/smail/33/zzabic1  -verbose \
-admin admin
No cell specified; assuming 'rrz.uni-koeln.de'.
Password for 'admin':
Translating user 'zzabic1' via the Protection DB
uss: Volume 'user.smail.zzabic1' (ID 537292558) exists on multiple

 Our sync site runs RedHat Linux 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp with
OpenAFS 1.2.13. The same holds for our other servers and the client where
the query was done.

Querying from a Fedora host (Kernel 2.6.17-1.2139_FC5) with
OpenAFS 1.4.1 yields a different message:

# uss delete zzabic1 /afs/.rrz/usr/smail/33/zzabic1 -dryrun -verbose \
-admin admin
No cell specified; assuming 'rrz.uni-koeln.de'.
Password for 'admin':
Translating user 'zzabic1' via the Protection DB
uss: Can't get volume information from mountpoint \

Doing it under 'uss bulk' with input lines like this
delete zzabic1:/afs/.rrz/usr/smail/33/zzabic1:delvolume
I get the same behaviour.
(Please correct the missing '%' in the printf statement for
'Volume exists on multiple servers' around lines 1121-1130
in src/uss/uss_vol.c)

Somebody some help or hint? (Return to Solaris?)
Best regards
Rainer Laatsch
________________________________	______________________
E-mail: Laatsch@rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE	Universitaet zu Koeln
					Reg. Rechenzentrum (ZAIK/RRZK)
Fax   : (0221) 478-5590			Robert-Koch-Str. 10
Tel   : (0221) 478-5582			D-50931 Koeln