[OpenAFS] Question about @sys

Franco Milicchio milicchio@dia.uniroma3.it
Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:24:52 +0100

On Mar 06, 2006, at 11:54am, Lars Schimmer wrote:

> Hi!
> til yet we used openAFS just for a big storage place.
> Now I plan to install some software and libs in afs space.
> I've read some websites and I know the @sys function is useful for  
> this.
> But still 1 or 2 questions left:
> 1. Is there somewhere a actual overview for the @sys names?
> e.g. linux 32 kernel 2.4, kernel 2.6, linux 64 kernel 2.6, win XP, win
> server 2003, win 64bit,... ?!?

Well, for any running system use

fs sysname

to know the afs sysname you're on, if you want to know every @sys  
entry, take a look at the afs_sysnames.h file in src/config:

#define SYS_NAME_ID_rs_aix32		 701
#define SYS_NAME_ID_rs_aix41		 702
#define SYS_NAME_ID_sun3_411		 906
#define SYS_NAME_ID_sun3x_411		 912

> 2. How do I use the automatic function, or is it automatic at all?

It's completely automatic and transparent. A good way of distributing  

> E.G.: I setup one root /afs/cgv/software and in this some dirs like  
> the
> @sys-names (i386_linux24 e.g.) and in this the directories opt,  
> lib,...
> How do I mount this on the client to get automatic the right  
> directories
> for the special client?

Nothing esoteric. This is an example. I have Condor installed for  
various platforms, and the user sees just these directories:

milicchio@plm:/afs/dia.uniroma3.it/projects/condor$ ls
PLATFORM_NAME@  bin@  examples/  include/  man/     platforms/
README          etc/  hosts/     lib@      manual/  sbin@

All the symlinks gets translated into the right one transparently, as  
they are @sys links:

milicchio@plm:/afs/dia.uniroma3.it/projects/condor$ ls -l
total 32
drwxrwxrwx   9 root      root   2048 Nov 22 10:42 ./
drwxr-xr-x   2 daemon    root   2048 Nov 25 09:26 ../
lrwxr-xr-x   1 daemon    root     28 Feb 25  2005 PLATFORM_NAME ->  
-rw-r--r--   1 daemon    diaafs 3138 Feb 28  2005 README
lrwxr-xr-x   1 daemon    root     18 Feb 23  2005 bin -> platforms/ 
drwxr-xr-x   3 root      root   2048 Nov 22 10:44 etc/
drwxr-xr-x   4 daemon    diaafs 2048 Jan 27  2005 examples/
drwxr-xr-x  11 milicchio root   2048 Nov 22 10:44 hosts/
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      root   2048 Jan 27  2005 include/
lrwxr-xr-x   1 daemon    root     18 Feb 23  2005 lib -> platforms/ 
drwxr-xr-x   3 root      root   2048 Jan 27  2005 man/
drwxr-xr-x   2 daemon    diaafs 8192 Feb 11  2005 manual/
drwxr-xr-x   7 daemon    root   2048 Feb 25  2005 platforms/
lrwxr-xr-x   1 daemon    root     19 Feb 23  2005 sbin -> platforms/ 

Platform specific files are in a different directory, named as  
specified by @sys names:

milicchio@plm:/afs/dia.uniroma3.it/projects/condor/platforms$ ls -l
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  5 daemon root   2048 Feb 25  2005 i386_linux24/
drwxr-xr-x  5 daemon root   2048 Feb 25  2005 i386_linux26/
drwxr-xr-x  2 daemon diaafs 4096 Feb 25  2005 i386_nt40/
drwxr-xr-x  5 daemon root   2048 Feb 25  2005 ppc_darwin_70/
drwxr-xr-x  5 daemon diaafs 2048 Feb 25  2005 rs_aix52/

It works, guaranteed:

milicchio@plm:/afs/dia.uniroma3.it/projects/condor$ uname -a
Linux plm 2.4.27-2-686 #1 Wed Aug 17 10:34:09 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
milicchio@plm:/afs/dia.uniroma3.it/projects/condor$ cat PLATFORM_NAME
This platform is:
i386 Processor, Linux Kernel 2.4.x


On another platform:

milicchi:condor$ pwd
milicchi:condor$ uname -a
AIX plmserver 2 5 0053447A4C00
milicchi:condor$ cat PLATFORM_NAME
This platform is:
RS/6000 Processor, IBM AIX 5.2


> Could I just mount /afs/cgv/soft/@sys/opt to /opt and I get the  
> correct
> path?

Of course, what I'd do is having a directory per platform like


and have a symlink point to that

ln -s /afs/cgv/soft/platforms_name/@sys /afs/cgv/soft/opt

Now you can symlink /opt to the opt into your AFS space.

> Does anyone know a good information-place for windows software in  
> AFS space?
> Yes, we are a small cell with 20-30 users of which just 3 using linux.
> So its far easier to user debian and apt instead oft soft in AFS  
> space.
> But for some soft which isn't in debian, the afs way seems to be quite
> fair easy and useful.

It is, and it's easy :)

Franco Milicchio <milicchio@dia.uniroma3.it>

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears it is true.      [J. Robert Oppenheimer]