2006-March Archives by Author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 03:23:03 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 23:26:28 2006
Messages: 331
- [OpenAFS] Replication error
Juha =?ISO-8859-15?B?SuR5a2vk?=
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Juha =?ISO-8859-15?B?SuR5a2vk?=
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Juha =?ISO-8859-15?B?SuR5a2vk?=
- [OpenAFS] Replication error
Juha =?ISO-8859-1?B?SuR5a2vk?=
- [OpenAFS] File too large
Juha =?ISO-8859-1?B?SuR5a2vk?=
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on mandriva linux 2006
Matteo Alfonsi
- [OpenAFS] Gentoo amd64: OpenAFS 1.4.1-rc6
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] afslog and case sensitive cell names
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Troubles with Account Manager..
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Autoconf/configure problem for Sparc[64] in both 1.4.0 and 1.,4.1-rc8
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] python interfaces
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Volume creation and update time change in 1.4.1-rc10?
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] AFS linux-client doesn't suspend?
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html' taints kernel
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] ticket/token forwarding debian - info
Russ Allbery
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Authentication error: Failed reading application request
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Question about @sys
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Windows profile path in AFS space?
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Troubles with Account Manager..
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] Using Keberos as a client whilst still using IBM/Transarc
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] mutually distrustful fileservers
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jeffrey Altman
- [OpenAFS] openafs kernel upgrade
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] RHEL4 installation question
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on mandriva linux 2006
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist.
Not starting AFS.
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not starting AFS.
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist.
Not starting AFS.
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Installing openafs-1.4.0 client on Rhel 4.1
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html' taints kernel
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Installing openafs-1.4.0 client on Rhel 4.1
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] FC5 RPMS available
Derek Atkins
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Andrew Bacchi
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
John Bass
- [OpenAFS] pts group management
David Bear
- [OpenAFS] python interfaces
David Bear
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Karl Bellve
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Karl Bellve
- [OpenAFS] Replication error
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] Migration to a new host failure
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] File too large
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] Large Data Storage
Horst Birthelmer
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Paul Blackburn
- [OpenAFS] Cache problems, how best to flush the ENTIRE cache.
Dave Blakemore
- [OpenAFS] Fileserver very busy
Hans-Gunther Borrmann
- [OpenAFS] Integrated Login on AIX 5.3
Hans-Gunther Borrmann
- [OpenAFS] AIX 5.3 ML03: afs_dynamic_auth
Hans-Gunther Borrmann
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Gordon Bowersox
- [OpenAFS] AFS installation packages and tools
Konstantin Boyanov
- [OpenAFS] Is openafs.org up or down?
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] 1.2.11 upgrade.
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] universal binaries
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] afs on hp-ux11iv2
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] AFS and OS upgrade
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] AFS and OS upgrade
Derrick J Brashear
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.0 fileserver performance question
Joe Buehler
- [OpenAFS] Is openafs.org up or down?
Buhrmaster, Gary
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Buhrmaster, Gary
- [OpenAFS] ticket/token forwarding debian - info
Frank Burkhardt
- [OpenAFS] Installing openafs-1.4.0 client on Rhel 4.1
Joe C
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Sean Caron
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Sean Caron
- [OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Sean Caron
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Sean Caron
- [OpenAFS] openafs + KfW + reboots on installation
Sean Caron
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] ticket/token forwarding debian - info
Christopher D. Clausen
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Mitch Collinsworth
- [OpenAFS] Gentoo amd64: OpenAFS 1.4.1-rc6
Michael Conrad
- [OpenAFS] Autoconf/configure problem for Sparc[64] in both 1.4.0 and 1.,4.1-rc8
Michael Conrad
- [OpenAFS] volrestore problems
Brian Davidson
- [OpenAFS] volrestore problems
Brian Davidson
- [OpenAFS] AFSDB dns lookup
Brian Davidson
- [OpenAFS] File too large
Steve Devine
- [OpenAFS] File too large
Steve Devine
- [OpenAFS] Large Data Storage
Steve Devine
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Steve Devine
- [OpenAFS] kernel BUG / rx_kcommon.c
Oded Dubovsky
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Rodney M Dyer
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS Windows client will not map drives
Rodney M Dyer
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Rodney M Dyer
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing
Douglas E. Engert
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Douglas E. Engert
- [OpenAFS] Large Data Storage
John Falk
- [OpenAFS] Announcement: AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2006
Esther Filderman
- [OpenAFS] CFP: AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2006
Esther Filderman
- [OpenAFS] Cache problems, how best to flush the ENTIRE cache.
Esther Filderman
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] afs on windows problem
Robbie Foust
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Sergio Gelato
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Chaskiel M Grundman
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
Chaskiel M Grundman
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
John Hascall
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html' taints kernel
John Hascall
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html' taints kernel
John Hascall
- [OpenAFS] Re: rxtcp, rxutcp [for networks without UDP]
John Hascall
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on mandriva linux 2006
Andreas Hasenack
- [OpenAFS] Cache manager does not show (can not get) user token.
Mustafa A. Hashmi
- [OpenAFS] Re: Cache manager does not show (can not get) user token.
Mustafa A. Hashmi
- [OpenAFS] [RESOLVED] Re: Cache manager does not show (can not get) user token.
Mustafa A. Hashmi
- [OpenAFS] bad token
Michael Heinrich
- [OpenAFS] AFS linux-client doesn't suspend?
Michael Heinrich
- [OpenAFS] AFS linux-client doesn't suspend?
Michael Heinrich
- [OpenAFS] fileserver doesn't start - multihomed file and database server
Andreas Hirczy
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] Clearing the cache on the client machine
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] AFS installation packages and tools
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not starting AFS.
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not starting AFS.
Hendrik Hoeth
- [OpenAFS] Problem with AFS-Authentication and Apache-Option
Patrick Holz
- [OpenAFS] aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Ken Hornstein
- [OpenAFS] Is openafs.org up or down?
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] afsdump_scan: large files?
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] NW Air Presentation from the 2005 workshop
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] Linux2.6, Sparc [64], and Gentoo
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] Re: what is "status: 11862790" (Tiger, rc8)
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] Autoconf/configure problem for Sparc[64] in both
1.4.0 and 1.,4.1-rc8
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] Question about @sys
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] 1.2.11 upgrade.
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when
tracing turned on
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when
tracing turned on
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] kernel BUG / rx_kcommon.c
Jeffrey Hutzelman
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Donny Jekels
- [OpenAFS] AFS authenticate against M$$ AD
Donny Jekels
- [OpenAFS] RHEL4 installation question
Alex Jelinek
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on mandriva linux 2006
Paul Johnson
- [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on mandriva linux 2006
Paul Johnson
- [OpenAFS] AFSDB dns lookup
Keith Johnston
- [OpenAFS] File too large
- [OpenAFS] File too large
- [OpenAFS] bad token
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- [OpenAFS] bad token
Sergey S. Kleymenov
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Thomas Kula
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
Nicolas LAVEAU
- [OpenAFS] AFSDB dns lookup
Mark Lasuk
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Volker Lendecke
- [OpenAFS] Authentication error: Failed reading application request
Pucky Loucks
- [OpenAFS] AFSDB dns lookup
Pucky Loucks
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Jason McCormick
- [OpenAFS] does inotify work on files in /afs?
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] mutually distrustful fileservers
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] Re: rxtcp, rxutcp [for networks without UDP]
Adam Megacz
- [OpenAFS] openafs kernel upgrade
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] openafs kernel upgrade
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] FC 5 continued
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10_fc5
Peter M. Metcalf
- [OpenAFS] Question about @sys
Franco Milicchio
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.1rc10 for FC5
Matthew Miller
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist.
Not starting AFS.
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter
William John Murray
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Jack Neely
- [OpenAFS] universal binaries
Alberto Paoluzzi
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] Error when trying to start afs
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp.mp.ko does not exist. Not
starting AFS.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html'
taints kernel
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html'
taints kernel
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] libafs: module license 'http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html'
taints kernel
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] /dev/rd/c0do is apparently in use by the system.
Amar P. Patel
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
- [OpenAFS] vos dump based backup scripts
Dan Pritts
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when tracing turned on
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when tracing turned on
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] Compilation Error: afs_analyze.o
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] rxtcp, rxutcp
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] Re: rxtcp, rxutcp [for networks without UDP]
Jim Rees
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Steve Roseman
- [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table
Steve Roseman
- [OpenAFS] 1.2.11 upgrade.
Steve Roseman
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
Miroslav Ruda
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
Miroslav Ruda
- [OpenAFS] Question about @sys
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Is OpenAFS for me?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Windows profile path in AFS space?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Windows profile path in AFS space?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Windows profile path in AFS space? - SOLVED
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] File too large
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] ticket/token forwarding debian - info
Lars Schimmer
- [OpenAFS] Linux kernel 2.6.16 and openAFS 1.4.0 /Debian?
Carsten Schulz-Key
- [OpenAFS] /dev/rd/c0do is apparently in use by the system.
Carsten Schulz-Key
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
Steve Simmons
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Steve Simmons
- [OpenAFS] AFS and OS upgrade
David Sonenberg
- [OpenAFS] AFS and OS upgrade
David Sonenberg
- [OpenAFS] Problems with release
David Sonenberg
- [OpenAFS] Clearing the cache on the client machine
Padiyath Sreekumaran
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
- [OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when tracing turned on
Rainer Toebbicke
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.x fileserver crashes on amd64_linux2X when tracing
turned on
Rainer Toebbicke
- [OpenAFS] Troubles with Account Manager..
Chris Wagner
- [OpenAFS] Large Data Storage
Chris Wagner
- [OpenAFS] aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Marcus Watts
- [OpenAFS] Re: aklog claims it can't contact KDC, but KDC is issuing tickets
Marcus Watts
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
Marcus Watts
- [OpenAFS] Re: rxtcp, rxutcp [for networks without UDP]
Marcus Watts
- [OpenAFS] Using Keberos as a client whilst still using IBM/Transarc AFS
Wheeler, JF (Jonathan)
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
Simon Wilkinson
- [OpenAFS] Please unsubscribe me
Dan Wolfe
- [OpenAFS] unsubscribe me
Dan Wolfe
- [OpenAFS] afs on hp-ux11iv2
lal anil
- [OpenAFS] Is openafs.org up or down?
ted creedon
- [OpenAFS] Is openafs.org up or down?
ted creedon
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
ted creedon
- [OpenAFS] What filesystem?
ted creedon
- [OpenAFS] vos dump - pipe reliability
vladimir konrad
- [OpenAFS] vos dump - pipe reliability
vladimir konrad
- [OpenAFS] Migration to a new host failure
ph rhole oper
- [OpenAFS] Migration to a new host failure
ph rhole oper
- [OpenAFS] vos: failed to parse date...
- [OpenAFS] 1.4.0 on AIX 5.3 system dumps
- [OpenAFS] Fedora 5
- [OpenAFS] libafs: falsely claims to have parameter sys_call_table_addr
- [OpenAFS] Migration to a new host failure
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 23:26:28 2006
Archived on: Fri Mar 31 18:27:01 2006
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