[OpenAFS] afs on windows problem

Robbie Foust rfoust@duke.edu
Tue, 21 Mar 2006 10:27:01 -0500


The afsd_service (1.4.0097) becomes unresponsive on a terminal server I 
run from time to time, so I restarted it.  After I do that, I'll get 
tokens and try to access my home directory, but I can't get to it.  Nor 
can I get to my realm (\\afs\acpub.duke.edu) by going to start -> run 
(says it doesnt exist).  I was able to access \\afs\all and as a result, 
I could then get to \\afs\acpub.  I still couldn't, however, access my 
home directory.  The message windows gives me is that it doesnt exist or 
I dont have access.  Here is what I got from afsd.log - hopefully its 
the right clip.  It looks like its trying to access the wrong user 

time 0.657000, tid 6772 T2 receive search dir count 1366 [win\rfoust.ad]
time 0.657000, tid 6772 T2 search dir id 11, nextCookie 0x0, attr 0x16
time 0.657040, tid 6772 cm_TryBulkStat dir 0x2128138
time 0.657050, tid 6772 CALL BulkStatus, 26 entries
time 0.657060, tid 6772 cm_ConnByServer returning conn 0xab866f0
time 0.662940, tid 6772 cm_Analyze connp 0xab866f0, code 0x0
time 0.662940, tid 6772 CALL BulkStatus SUCCESS
time 0.663120, tid 6772 END cm_TryBulkStat
time 0.663120, tid 6772 T2 search dir !HaveBuffer scp 2128138 bufferp 
time 0.663120, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 16777216 name 
\users\r\f\rfleming ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 16777216 name \rfleming ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 33554432 name win\rfoust.ad ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 67108864 name \acpub ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 100663296 name 
\users\r\f\rfleming ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 134217728 name \rfleming ()
time 0.663130, tid 6772 T2 search dir vn 167772160 name win\rfoust.ad ()

Next time the service becomes unresponsive, I'll try "fs minidump" 
(it'll probably happen in a day or so).  Is there something else I 
should be doing to track this down?  I've read the release notes on 
debugging, so I'm trying to follow that as best as I can.


- Robbie

Robbie Foust, CISSP, A+
Duke University