[OpenAFS] Troubles with Account Manager..

Chris Wagner chriswagner@amyskitchen.net
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:29:39 -0800

Hi folks, I'm new to this whole AFS thing, so please forgive if I'm
doing something wrong.  To start, I'm running OpenAFS 1.5.0 (though I
was experiencing this problem with 1.4.0, too).  Both my test machines
are Windows XP SP2 in this case (though the server is running in a
VMWare window).

I'm running AFS on Windows (as server/client) first to try it out before
trying it on a mixed Unix(Server/Client)/Windows(Client) environment.
Well, I got things set-up and I can obtain a token with a client machine
as the admin account I set-up during installation.

At this point I can mount the AFS volume on the client and I've mounted

However, when I attempt to run the Account Manager, it pauses for about
30 secs, then complains "The AFS Account Manager was unable to find the
TaAfsAdmSvr.exe program, or was unable to prepare your computer to
perform AFS administration."

So I run TaAfsAdmSvr.exe, because I googled around and saw someone
mention they had to run this program by hand the first time, and I get:

AdmSvr: Initializing...
AdmSvr: Ready.

AdmSvr: Auto-opening cell amystestafs; scope=3Dfull
AdmSvr: Auto-open of cell amystestafs failed; error 0x00000000

So I'm completely stumped at this point, further googling has turned up
nothing.  Is this account manager program even necessary if I want to
authenticate it against a Kerbero domain like AD?  Also, what's involved
if I want to authenticate against AD, and is this better done under

- Chris

Christopher Wagner
Amy's Kitchen - http://www.amys.com/
Sr. Systems Administrator
1234 Apollo Way
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
707-577-7541 - chriswagner@amyskitchen.net