[OpenAFS] amd64+linux 2.6.16+xen+openafs?
Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:54:53 +0200
On 3/24/06, Miroslav Ruda <ruda@ics.muni.cz> wrote:
> I'm trying to use development Xen, which comes with 2.6.16-rc6 kernel a=
> openafs on amd64 machine. I can compile openafs-1.4.1-rc10 or 1.4.0 (with
> patches mentioned in this list), but module loading fails:
I've searched through the messages in the mailing list and the rt, but
I couldn't find the patches you mention that make 1.4.0 work on
2.6.16. Could you please provide some pointers?
Many thanks,