[OpenAFS] AFS related problem with firefox
Derrick J Brashear
Wed, 24 May 2006 03:29:32 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 24 May 2006, Juha [UTF-8] J=E4ykk=E4 wrote:
> Environment: Debian/Stable, openafs-client 1.3.81 (as distributed by
> Debian), firefox 1.0.4 (again, as distributed by Debian in the stable
> distribution). User's $HOME's are on AFS, binaries are (still) local.
Check out bug 31818 in RT:
There's a patch, and at least one of the reporters says it does not work=20
for him, which may mean a failure to get notifications, but, if you are=20
willing to try it, there it is.