[OpenAFS] Possible problem with openafs-client or modules 1.4.2

Jose Calhariz jose.calhariz@tagus.ist.utl.pt
Tue, 14 Nov 2006 19:43:50 +0000

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On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 02:07:23PM -0500, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> >>Except that code path can't cause a corrupted file. It may be related b=
> >>that error message (in the fileserver) is not a cause of that client
> >>problem.
> >
> >In my tests the compilation sometimes abort, because of a timeout
> >comunicating with the fileserver, usually happened during a vos
> >backupsys of all volumes.
> Can you get tcpdump from the client's point of view? Basically, at some=
> point the client is marking the server down, I assume. The question is on=
> the basis of what.

I can imagine what is happening. Can I ask some questions?  If they
are explained somewhere, please point where.

What the client see when the file server is:

  - Locking a volume to do a vos clone or vos backup?

  - When a volume is being salvaged?

  - When the fileserver is doing a weekly restart?

> >Looking for errors in the fileserver I had seen "FindClient: stillborn
> >client" in some of the cases.  Can it be possible when a client is
> >hitting very hard a fileserver, with reads and writes, for this error
> >to happen?
> Yes. But, that's not necessarily related to the problem you're
> having.

I now believe my problem was one of the above situations.

> (...)
> Derrick

    Jos=E9 Calhariz

	A beleza e uma carta de recomendacao a curto prazo.
		-- Ninon de Lenclos=20

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