[OpenAFS] testing RPMs for 1.4.2

Ron Croonenberg ronc@depauw.edu
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:18:10 -0400

Hi Axel,

I am using the 2054 kernel.  Is there a kernel module for that one ?  or 
do I need to compile it myself ?  and what source rpm do I need for that ?

I am trying to install the client on FC5 smp x86_64



Axel Thimm wrote:
> I have placed packages of 1.4.2fc4 in atrpms-testing. The supported
> platforms have been extended to
>   Fedora Core 3 i386 and x86_64
>   Fedora Core 4 i386 and x86_64
>   Fedora Core 5 i386, x86_64 and ppc
>   Fedora Core 6 i386, x86_64 and ppc
>   Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 i386 and x86_64
>   Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 i386 and x86_64
>   Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 i386 and x86_64
> FC6 is more or less what will soon be released, while RHEL5 is the
> beta1. Also almost all kernel flavours are supported, e.g. depending
> on distribution you will find
>   athlon athlon-smp i386 i586 i686 i686-hugemem i686-PAE i686-smp
>   i686-xen i686-xen0 i686-xenU ppc ppc-smp x86_64 x86_64-smp x86_64-xen
>   x86_64-xen0 x86_64-xenU
> Upgrade paths are ensured both for 1.4.2fc4 -> 1.4.2, as well as FC6
> and RHEL5. Please use these packages for testing 1.4.2fc4. If you
> suspect a bug you found might come from packaging (God beware ;) try
> replicating it by building from source before reporting to openafs'
> channels. Otherwise please report packaging issues to ATrpms'
> channels.
> Credits go to Alexander Bergolth (leo) (the changes I made for 1.4.2
> were minimal).
> On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 11:44:35AM +0200, Alexander Bergolth wrote:
>> OpenAFS RPMs are now available at ATrpms for the following platforms:
>> Fedora Core 3 i386 and x86_64
>> Fedora Core 4 i386 and x86_64
>> Fedora Core 5 i386 and x86_64
>> Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 i386 and x86_64
>> Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 i386 and x86_64
>> See
>>   http://atrpms.net/
>> for the packages and for package manager configuration details.
>> Please test them and report any bugs at
>>   http://bugzilla.atrpms.net/
>> Thanks and have fun,
>> --leo
>> P.S.: FC6 will be supported starting with Openafs 1.4.2.

  "I didn't hit it, it's just my way of parking.
  Ron Croonenberg                   |
                                    | Phone: 1 765 658 4761
  Lab Instructor &                  | Fax:   1 765 658 4732
          Technology Coordinator    |
  Department of Computer Science    | e-mail: ronc@DePauw.edu
  DePauw University                 |
  275 Julian Science & Math Center  |
  602 South College Ave.            |
  Greencastle, IN  46135            |