[OpenAFS] Add new fileserver
Alexander Boström
Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:06:27 +0200
sön 2007-04-08 klockan 17:33 +0800 skrev Melvin Wong:
> But I'm a bit lost on how should I further expand to afs2, afs3 and so
> on. If I create a home directory for my users on afs1, do I need to
> create the exact directory on my afs2?
You create a volume (vos create) on the server you want to use and then
you mount that somewhere (fs mkm). I suggest you create one volume for
each user, one for each project etc. And make sure replicate all volumes
that need not be updated too often like, root.afs, root.cell, home (in
which you mount all user's home volumes) and so on.