[OpenAFS] incorrect KeyFile causing cell setup to fail -- maybe wrong enctype ? [SOLVED]

scorch scorch@muse.net.nz
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:00:51 +1300


a big thanks to those who responded to this one. in-between starting a 
new job i managed to sort all this out. basic issue was to remove all 
unnecessary enctypes & then bob's your uncle.

cheers, dave

NB in case anybody needs to refer to something more concrete about what 
was done, here is the working procedure:

kadmin -p admin/krb
kadmin> add --random-key --use-defaults afs/muse.net.nz
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz des3-cbc-sha1
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
kadmin> del_enctype afs/muse.net.nz arcfour-hmac-md5
kadmin> list *afs*
kadmin> get afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
             Principal: afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
     Principal expires: never
      Password expires: never
  Last password change: never
       Max ticket life: 1 day
    Max renewable life: 1 week
                  Kvno: 1
                 Mkvno: 0
Last successful login: never
     Last failed login: never
    Failed login count: 0
         Last modified: 2007-03-12 04:28:42 UTC
              Modifier: kadmin/admin@MUSE.NET.NZ
              Keytypes: des-cbc-md5(pw-salt), des-cbc-md4(pw-salt), 
kadmin> ext -k /etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 afs/muse.net.nz
kadmin> quit
root@ice:/ $ ktutil -k /etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 list

	Vno  Type         Principal
	  1  des-cbc-md5  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
	  1  des-cbc-md4  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
	  1  des-cbc-crc  afs/muse.net.nz@MUSE.NET.NZ
root@ice:/ $ mkdir -p /usr/afs/etc
root@ice:/ $ ln -s /etc/afs/ThisCell /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell
root@ice:/ $ cat /etc/afs/ThisCell
root@ice:/ $ ktutil copy FILE:/etc/afskeytabfile.krb5 

NB i'd be happy to add this to the wiki in future, but i'll wait until 
openbsd 4.1 comes out (& we get the openafs port added into -current 
again) as there are further kerberos/heimdal changes within apparently 
to catch me unawares.

> * ted creedon [2007-03-09 07:35:12 -0900]:
>> Kadmin needs "des-cbc-crc:normal" specifically with the ":normal" suffix.

heimdal desalinates (ok removes the salt) on export. nice!

> N.B. scorch is using Heimdal (0.7 or 0.8?), not MIT Kerberos.
> I'd suggest deleting the AES and Arcfour enctypes as well. This was
> probably not an issue with the version of Heimdal in use three years
> ago (no AES support yet), which would explain why those old notes did
> not mention it.
> "bos listkeys" lists two keys with the same kvno (1). At least one of them
> must be wrong.

yes :-) good question how _that_ got in!

the next big task is to figure out how to build openafs with files going 
into the "right" place according to openbsd hierarchy. this used to work 
as part of the old port, but it's not doing the right thing at present.
