[OpenAFS] Bad System Call On FreeBSD

El Barto elbarto@epitech.net
Tue, 29 May 2007 12:41:23 +0200

 Hello all, I've just set up a Openafs server on a FreeBSD 6.1
 It just run fine, here is the bos status output :

kdc# /usr/afs/bin/bos status afs.staff.epitech.net -long -noauth
Instance kaserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:18:48 2007 (1 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/kaserver'

Instance buserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:18:48 2007 (1 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/buserver'

Instance ptserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:18:48 2007 (1 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/ptserver'

Instance vlserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:18:48 2007 (1 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/vlserver'

Instance fs, (type is fs) currently running normally.
    Auxiliary status is: file server running.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:18:48 2007 (2 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/fileserver'
    Command 2 is '/usr/afs/bin/volserver'
    Command 3 is '/usr/afs/bin/salvager'

Instance upserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
    Process last started at Tue May 29 10:19:49 2007 (1 proc starts)
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/upserver -crypt /usr/afs/etc
-clear /usr/afs/bin'


 But when I want to setacl I get these error :

kdc# /usr/afs/bin/fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl
Bad system call (core dumped)

 Here is the kdump result of this command :
 17646 fs       CALL  open(0xbfbfe870,0,0x1b6)
 17646 fs       NAMI  "/root/.AFSSERVER"
 17646 fs       RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 17646 fs       CALL  open(0x80834c5,0,0x1b6)
 17646 fs       NAMI  "/.AFSSERVER"
 17646 fs       RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 17646 fs       CALL  #339
 17646 fs       RET   #339 -1 errno 78 Function not implemented
 17646 fs       PSIG  SIGSYS SIG_DFL
 17646 fs       NAMI  "fs.core"

 Anyone got an idee of what I do wrong ?


Emmanuel Vadot          System & Network Administrator [root & bocal]
elbarto@epitech.net     14-16 rue Voltaire 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre
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