[OpenAFS] VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed (code=5376, err=22)

afs@freakout.de afs@freakout.de
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:59:42 +0200

>> cannot get around this problem - see error messages from FileLog:
>> Tue Sep 25 16:15:21 2007 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; will retry periodically (code=5376, err=22)
>use "translate_et 5376" :
>~: translate_et 5376
>5376 (u).0 = no quorum elected
>So your database servers haven't head a quorum when the fileserver 
>started. Registration of a fileserver requires a write operation on the 
>vlserver which is only  possible on the sync site. Without a quorum the 
>sync site can't be elcted...
>Do a "udebug <database-server> 7003" to all your database servers
>to find out what happens!

root@bongo root]# udebug bongo 7003
Host's addresses are:
Host's time is Wed Sep 26 10:51:59 2007
Local time is Wed Sep 26 10:52:02 2007 (time differential 3 secs)
Last yes vote for was 0 secs ago (sync site);
Last vote started 0 secs ago (at Wed Sep 26 10:52:02 2007)
Local db version is 1190723057.5
I am sync site forever (1 server)
Recovery state 1f
Sync site's db version is 1190723057.5
0 locked pages, 0 of them for write
root@bongo root]#