[OpenAFS] Accuracy of timestamps in AFS files.
Garance A Drosihn
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 00:44:56 -0400
At 11:31 AM -0400 4/19/08, Finke, Jon E wrote:
>I will be giving a deposition involving some intellectual property
>issues in the near future, and some of my work is being considered
>as prior art. One of the ways we are determining "when" I wrote
>things will be based on the last changed dates of the files. Our
>AFS cell dates back to the early 90s (which is when I got my AFS
>admin certification.)
>The question may arise, is how easy is it to "fake" these file
>system time stamps - do they come from the AFS client or from the
>AFS file servers?
Trivial. If you have access to the files, and if you have something like
perl or ruby installed, you can basically type in a command to reset the
timestamps to whatever value you wanted.
Garance Alistair Drosehn = gad@gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer or gad@freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or drosih@rpi.edu