[OpenAFS] Re: Win2K AFS server, setup SL4.5 test-cell server then migrate...

Jason Edgecombe jason@rampaginggeek.com
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 15:03:00 -0400

avison48 wrote:
> Dear All,
> Begging your pardon for my questions, not being familiar with
> AFS but must migrate this server.
> Abandoning the idea of trying to mirror the IBM AFS3.5 Win2K
> server onto a SL4.5 server, now to start experimenting with
> setup test AFS cell, to get a feel for how it works.
> For making a new cell/server IBM AFS doc instructs to start
> 'kaserver' which I get the impression is now verboten?  
> Is that the only part of the IBM AFS doc that
> is to be ignored? Or most/all?
> Can the KeyFile copied from the orig Win2K AFS server
> be used on an different afs-realm SL4.5 test box?
> If not, our microsoft KDC admin will have to to do something
> on the KDC for a different AFS cell - correct?
> That's the kind of PITA it was hoped to avoid by mirroring an
> existing AFS server & not making a new cell.
> Assuming the same KeyFile can be used,
> root@vlad> bos setcellname localhost test.phy -noauth
> root@vlad> bos listhosts localhost -noauth
> Cell name is test.phy
>     Host 1 is <name of our REAL afs-cell server>
> Why is it listing the afs server in our official AFS cell?
> It has nothing to do with cell test.phy!
> Is it because of the copy of KeyFile from the other machine?
> root@vlad> bos listkeys localhost -cell test.phy -noauth
> key 0 has cksum 656054385
> Keys last changed on Tue Feb 18 20:32:21 2003. [ yep, that's the old key ]
> All done.
> root@vlad> bos create -server localhost -instance ptserver -type simple \
> -cmd /usr/afs/bin/ptserver -cell test.phy  -noauth
> No go - BosLog says "ptserver exited with code 2" &
> googling for that = null useful
> PtLog has :
> Sat Aug 30 17:16:24 2008 Inconsistent Cell Info on server: Sat Aug 30
> 17:16:24 2008 <test-server-IP> Sat Aug 30 17:16:24 2008
> ptserver: problems with host name Ubik init failed
> What does "problems with host name Ubik init failed" indicate?
> Googling is no help, the only very old mentions of this indicated
> "problem is hostname resolves to" - not true on
> this test server.
> Very grateful for lucid guidance.
> No errors in FileLog though - progress!
> root@vlad> bos status -long -server localhost
> bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
> bos: running unauthenticated
> Instance ptserver, (type is simple) temporarily disabled, stopped for too
> many errors, currently shutdown.
>     Process last started at Sat Aug 30 19:05:54 2008 (13 proc starts)
>     Last exit at Sat Aug 30 19:05:54 2008
>     Last error exit at Sat Aug 30 19:05:54 2008, by exiting with code 2
>     Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/ptserver'
> Instance fs, (type is fs) currently running normally.
>     Auxiliary status is: file server running.
>     Process last started at Sat Aug 30 19:05:53 2008 (2 proc starts)
>     Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/fileserver'
>     Command 2 is '/usr/afs/bin/volserver'
>     Command 3 is '/usr/afs/bin/salvager'
These instructions might help.

You don't need to set up a KDC, but you must make sure that the
Linux server can kinit against the AD servers.

Is there any reference to the old DB servers in /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB
or /usr/afs/etc/CellServDB or /etc/openafs/CellServDB? If so remove the
references to the old servers. Are you using AFSDB entries in DNS?
