[OpenAFS] Re: afs rpm architecture problem

William John Murray W.J.Murray@rl.ac.uk
Tue, 08 Jan 2008 08:57:51 +0000

> > Removing it and re-installing just now I got the correct i686 rpm, but I
> > wondered if you could guess what went wrong?
> There were two different yum bugs in FC6 and F7 that made wrong
> assumptions about your arch in yum and would pull in i586 where i686
> should be pulled in. This mostly affected kernels during install time,
> e.g. you would end up pulling out the DVD from an install-from-scratch
> setup on say xeons and you would find out that they run w/o cmov and
> friends.
> These bugs have been fixed, but for some CPUs there seems to still be
> a bug in F8's yum making yum guess the wrong arch. You don't happen to
> run xeons?
> There is a bug report at bugzilla.redhat.com about this happening on
> F8. Not with openafs, though, but this is not openafs' fault anyway.

Thank you
Dr William Murray       w.j.murray@rl.ac.uk      (44)-1235-446256
RAL, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, UK