[OpenAFS] 'vos' command dos not finish, file service works ok (sort of)

Andreas Hirczy ahi@itp.tugraz.at
Wed, 23 Jul 2008 22:12:53 +0200

Steve Devine <sd@msu.edu> writes:

> Andreas Hirczy wrote:
>> My AFS cell works ok in most scenarios, but since a reboot of one DB-server
>> last friday no vos command besides "vos help" finishes - e.g.  "vos exa
>> root.afs -localauth -verbose" hangs indefinitely and does not produce any
>> output. Log files are also basically empty. File access works perfectly but I
>> cannot create or move volumes; no backup of course.
> Sounds like firewall to me. can you run vos listvldb root.afs -localauth on
> the db server?

No firewall, but "vos listvldb root.afs -localauth" worked. And a miracle
occured: after 10 hours of observed outage "vos exa ...." for volumes not on
the blocking fileserver works again.

Very strange: no entrys in the log files for 2 hours since last reboot and
salvage. It did not work then. There are still 74 blocked connections on one
fileserver, but that could be a different problem.  "man fileserver" seems to
indicate, that this number will never go down again until restart. Unluckily
"vos listvol" still runs slow - but triggers some logging messages at last:

==> /var/log/openafs/VolserLog <==
Wed Jul 23 21:23:28 2008 FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry)
Wed Jul 23 21:23:44 2008 FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry)
Wed Jul 23 21:24:08 2008 FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry)
Wed Jul 23 21:24:40 2008 FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry)
Wed Jul 23 21:25:20 2008 FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry)

==> /var/log/openafs/BosLog <==
Wed Jul 23 21:26:08 2008: fs:vol exited on signal 6

==> /var/log/openafs/VolserLog <==
FSYNC_clientInit failed (giving up!): Connection refused
Wed Jul 23 21:26:08 2008
: Assertion failed! file ../vol/volume.c, line 705.

Increasing the logging level with "killall -TSTP fileserver" works, but I
have to wait for some output.

Andreas Hirczy <ahi@itp.tugraz.at>                   http://itp.tugraz.at/~ahi/
Graz University of Technology                        phone: +43/316/873-   8190
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics     fax: +43/316/873-10 8190
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