[OpenAFS] Windows client in Citrix

Derrick Brashear shadow@gmail.com
Thu, 6 Mar 2008 17:42:15 -0500

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Robin Manke-Cassidy <Robin.Manke@asu.edu> wrote:
> ASU is using AFS for our student storage area.  We are in the process of
> deploying application access to students through Citrix with the default
> storage space being their AFS space.  This includes a redirection of their
> My Documents and other configuration files to their personal AFS space.
> We are experiencing problems with the Windows AFS client either locking up
> or going so slow it appears to be locked up that it requires a restart of
> the AFS client service to bring it back on line, but it is not consistent in
> working.  We also have problems some people not even being able to mount the
> AFS space.

Out of curiosity, what version of the Windows client did you try?