[OpenAFS] Problems loading openafs kernel module on RHEL5 box

Uli Menzebach menze@vitesse.com
Fri, 7 Mar 2008 14:47:45 +0100

RHEL-5.1, kernel 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5xen (same with kernel lacking xen =
openafs kernel module is from =
available from the openafs site.

Symptom: when performing a "modprobe openafs" the system log shows:
Found system call table at 0xc06024c0 (pattern scan)
Address 0xc06024c0 is not writable.
System call hooks will not be installed; proceeding anyway
According to older mailing list entries this is due to the Redhat =
kernels being built

Question: is there any way to avoid having to build a new kernel if one =
wants to run
OpenAfs on a RHEL5 or CENTOS5 box? Anyone found e.g. some kernel command =
line parameter
to disable the write protection of the system call table?

Or am I just overlooking something basic ?

Thanks for any hints,


|     Dr. Johannes-Ulrich Menzebach              menze@vitesse.com       =
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