[OpenAFS] phpafsfree-0.5

Stephen Joyce stephen@physics.unc.edu
Mon, 3 Aug 2009 14:36:37 -0400 (EDT)

Changes since phpafsfree-0.4:

phpafsfree-0.5   03 Aug 2009
 	Images default to display with lightbox. This can be disabled in
 	 index.php if you have no use for it.
 	Images include information about number of volumes and change
 	 background color if any volumes are offline or busy. This can
 	 be disabled since it can be harsh on servers to query this
 	 information. See "showpercent" and "showvolinfo" flags in
 	 index.php to disable.
 	Images now default to displaying on a 1000GB scale due to
 	 prevalence of cheap storage.
 	Images now default to 850px height. For small displays, change
 	 $imgHeight in image.php.

phpafsfree may be found at http://www.physics.unc.edu/~stephen/phpafsfree/

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems Administrator
PANIC - Physics and Astronomy Network Infrastructure and Computing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
voice: 919.962.7214
fax: 919.962.0480