[OpenAFS] Hang on shutdown with OSX ?

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones@cern.ch
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:07:30 +0000

> HI,

> If AFS sticks shutting down and the network is still up, that's
> definitely something new. And sadly the best way to track it is
> something which isn't simple for me to explain to you.

Fate has thrown its fickle dice and I have just suffered another hang.  
I really hate having to hard reset this machine and thus need to get  
to the bottom of this. AFS is useful to me but I'm just not prepared  
to do this long term... I would rather live without AFS

Anyway, I need to get more info on what is causing this... I've had a  
look at /var/log/system.log - The last message before the reset (at  
17.09 - I rebooted at 17.43) is from afs ... See below.

So, if you have *any* suggestions for how to dig deeper I'll love to  
hear. Coming from linux I'm not at all adverse to a bit of hacking, so  
perhaps building a debug version with more verbose messages ??

I'm using the 1.4.8 release - Would trying the 1.5.X release be an  
idea ?

cheers Chris

Jan 27 17:08:51 macf com.apple.launchd[162]  
([0x0-0x29029].com.apple.dock[694]): Stray process with PGID equal to  
this dead job: PID 852 PPID 1 DashboardClient
Jan 27 17:08:51 macf com.apple.launchd[162]  
([0x0-0x29029].com.apple.dock[694]): Stray process with PGID equal to  
this dead job: PID 851 PPID 1 DashboardClient
Jan 27 17:08:51 macf com.apple.launchd[162]  
([0x0-0x29029].com.apple.dock[694]): Stray process with PGID equal to  
this dead job: PID 850 PPID 1 DashboardClient
Jan 27 17:08:51 macf [0x0-0x29029].com.apple.dock[0]: [852]  line 516:  
TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression  
this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.
Jan 27 17:08:51: --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 27 17:08:51 macf [0x0-0x29029].com.apple.dock[0]: [852]  line 528:  
TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression  
this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.
Jan 27 17:09:01: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf loginwindow[27]: ERROR | -[ApplicationManager  
quitPrivateProcesses] | Application "Logitech Control Center Daemon"  
did not quit
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf loginwindow[27]: DEAD_PROCESS: 0 console
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf shutdown[1282]: halt by chris:
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf shutdown[1282]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1233076141 399617
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf com.apple.loginwindow[27]: Shutdown NOW!
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-176.3 (Sep 30 2008  
16:59:38)[26]: stopping
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf com.apple.loginwindow[27]: System shutdown time  
has arrived^G^G
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf com.apple.SystemStarter[20]: Stopping AFS
Jan 27 17:09:01 macf com.apple.SystemStarter[20]: Unmounting /afs
Jan 27 17:09:02 macf kernel[0]: WARM shutting down of: CB... afs...  
BkG... CTrunc... AFSDB... RxEvent...
Jan 27 17:09:02 macf com.apple.SystemStarter[20]: Shutting down afsd  
Jan 27 17:09:02 macf com.apple.SystemStarter[20]: Unloading AFS kernel  
Jan 27 17:43:47 localhost kernel[0]: npvhash=4095