[OpenAFS] what about partitions larger than 2 TB?

Rich Sudlow rich@nd.edu
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:43:05 -0500

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Giovanni Bracco wrote:
> What is the situation for partitions larger than 2 TB?
> We have a file server with two partitions of 5 TB
> %vos partinfo linafs1.frascati.enea.it
> Free space on partition /vicepa: 3357685900 K blocks out of total 5016031624
> Free space on partition /vicepb: 4950671196 K blocks out of total 5175721624
> and apparentely they works but the "fs" command from openafs 1.4.11 does
> not report correctly the information about quota or available blocks
> Also "fs" from openafs 1.5.66 has the same problem.
> %./fs lq ~toselli
> Volume Name                    Quota       Used %Used   Partition
> user.toselli                40000000   17710136   44%        230%<<
> %./fs examine ~toselli
> File /afs/enea.it/fra/user/toselli (536939031.1.1) contained in volume
> 536939031
> Volume status for vid = 536939031 named user.toselli
> Current disk quota is 40000000
> Current blocks used are 17710136
> The partition has -937281318 blocks available out of 721064328
> Giovanni
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See the attached script as a workaround for fixing the 32 bit issue.
We call the script "quota" in our cell.


Rich Sudlow
University of Notre Dame
Center for Research Computing
128 Information Technology Center
PO Box 539
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0539

(574) 631-7258 office phone
(574) 631-9283 office fax

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# RKS - June 2009
# This script uses the output of the vos partinfo command
# to calculate the partition % rather than the 32 bit 
# limited fs commands.
# RKS - Oct 21,2009 - If a argument is given check that
# Change from white space split to packed data in return 
# due to large volumes

$path_to_check = $ARGV[0];

if ( $path_to_check eq "" ) {
	$path_to_check = $ENV{HOME};
print "AFS quota using values reported by vos server for partition\n";
print "Quota for $path_to_check\n";

$return = `fs listq $path_to_check | grep -v Quota`;
$header = `fs listq $path_to_check | grep Quota`;
chop $header;
chop $return;
($volume,$quota,$used,$percent) = unpack("A25 A10 A10 A5",$return);
$return = `/usr/sbin/vos examine $volume -format | grep server`;

($server,$partition) = (split(/\s+/,$return))[2,4];
$return = `/usr/sbin/vos partinfo $server $partition`;
chop $return;
($partfree, $total) = (split(/\s+/,$return))[5,11];
$partused = $total - $partfree;
print "$header\n";
printf "%-23s  %10d%10d %4d\%\% %10d\%\%\n",$volume, $quota, $used, $percent, (($partused/$total) * 100);
