[OpenAFS] hard link behavior

Todd Lewis utoddl@email.unc.edu
Wed, 07 Jul 2010 13:33:14 -0400

On 07/07/2010 12:13 PM, Jaap Winius sent:
> That's interesting for sure, but it sounds as though you're not  
> familiar with disk-based backups, because that's no substitute for  
> what I have in mind.

Sounds like you're thinking about the hardlink-fest that is the heart of
BackupPC. You're right: OpenAFS isn't a good place to put such storage.

> All I'm suggesting is that a specific switch be added so that one  
> limitation can be traded for another and new things can become possible.
> [...]
> Certainly a good idea -- that's something that I've wondered about  
> before -- but I see no reason why both of our ideas should not be made  
> possible.

Per-file ACLs would make hardlinks within a volume much simpler, trivial
even. In fact, it's probably a prerequisite for any sane implementation.

Not seeing the reason something is hard doesn't make it not hard. This
touches many layers and breaks quiet assumptions in lots of code and
probably on the wire too. I'd personally like to see per-file ACLs (with
the side effect you describe), but I'd like to see other things first,
like server-enforced encryption options, etc.

It's not an unreasonable wish-list item. Look at the road map and figure
out where it fits in with the other items and the coding cycles available.
My guess it, don't hold your breath waiting for this to show up.
  / Todd_Lewis@unc.edu  919-445-9302  http://www.unc.edu/~utoddl /
 /              A hangover is the wrath of grapes.              /