[OpenAFS] forcing coredumpsize in bosserver

Derrick Brashear shadow@gmail.com
Mon, 17 May 2010 11:13:12 -0400

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Christopher D. Clausen
<cclausen@acm.org> wrote:
> Derrick Brashear <shadow@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I submitted a patch which would use the fact that bosserver runs as
>> root to override resource limits and always drop a core. The issue
>> it's intended to address is that often people will start bosserver
>> from contaminated environments (where coredumpsize is limited) and
>> then have a crash, and can provide no data...
>> Is anyone deliberately turning off cores with limit? Would a command
>> line switch to bosserver be acceptable to you in lieu of it? (None is
>> provided in this patch yet but it could be if it mattered)
>> http://gerrit.openafs.org/#change,1959
> I'd don't care if core files get generated, but I'd want some way to make
> sure that the core file doesn't fill the disk partition when it gets
> written. =A0I'm not sure how large the files can get, but I have had that
> problem in the past (on other software) with multiple GB core files
> completely filling a smallish / or /usr partition (as on a file server, I=
> want to have as much space as possible go to the vice partitions.)
> Would it be possible to reserve some space in the vice partition and have
> the core file written there instead? =A0(I suppose you could argue that c=
> be worse, but in general I have much larger vice paritions than system
> ones.)

What happens if it's a dbserver and there are no vice partitions?
