[OpenAFS] Moving directory and files preserving attributes and privileges

Claudio Prono claudio.prono@atpss.net
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 13:55:46 +0200

Hello All,

I have to move some directory from a place to another, inside the same
server. I have done a mv * /afs/newdir/. but all the permissions are
gone (there are only present that ereditated from the root directory).
How i can move files preserving attributes and privileges?



Claudio Prono                         OPST
System Developer               
                                      Gsm: +39-349-54.33.258
@PSS Srl                              Tel: +39-011-32.72.100
Via San Bernardino, 17                Fax: +39-011-32.46.497
10141 Torino - ITALY                  http://atpss.net/disclaimer
PGP Key - http://keys.atpss.net/c_prono.asc