[OpenAFS] data manged

Rick Cochran rcc2@cornell.edu
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:20:58 -0400

I copy a file from a Ubuntu 10 machine with openafs-client 1.4.12+dfsg-3 and 
read it from a Scientific Linux 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 machine with 
openafs-client-1.4.12-el5.1.1.  The checksum is wrong on the reading end, and it 
changes to a different wrong checksum every time I re-do the copy.

samuel> cp -p IMG_0347.JPG 
samuel> sum IMG_0347.JPG
26046   435

arctura> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/IMG_0347.JPG
48707   435

samuel> cp -p IMG_0347.JPG 
samuel> sum IMG_0347.JPG
26046   435

arctura> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/IMG_0347.JPG
36782   435

samuel> cp -p IMG_0347.JPG 
samuel> sum IMG_0347.JPG
26046   435

arctura> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/IMG_0347.JPG
14708   435

samuel> scp -p IMG_0347.JPG arctura.cit.cornell.edu:/tmp
       100%  435KB 144.9KB/s   00:03

arctura> sum /tmp/IMG_0347.JPG
26046   435

The AFS copy always differs at the same place:

arctura> cmp /tmp/IMG_0347.JPG 
/afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/IMG_0347.JPG differ: 
byte 1257, line 6

At the reading side, the file always has the same number of bytes as the original.
