[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS on OpenSuse 12.1: No connection to filesystem
Starl8gazer <starl8gazer@yahoo.com>
Thu, 5 Jan 2012 09:02:27 -0800 (PST)
>> :~ > klog.krb5 user_name=0A=0A>> Password for user_name@employer_domai=
n: =0A>> [after quite a while...]=0A>> klog: server or network not respon=
ding Can't get your viceid for cell=A0 employer_domain=0A>> :~ > klog.krb5=
-tmp=0A>> Password for user_name@employer_domain: =0A>> Wrote ticket fil=
e to /tmp/krb5cc_1000=0A>> klog: server or network not responding Can't ge=
t your viceid for cell=A0 employer_domain=0A> =0A> This is not necessarily =
an error, but a warning. Try running 'klog.krb5 -noprdb' instead. Run 'toke=
ns' afterwards to see if =0A> you have authenticated and have access tokens=
. =0A=0A:~ > klog.krb5 -noprdb=0APassword for user_name@employer_domain: =
=0A[the _first_ time this results in]=0Aklog: unknown RPC error (-176532825=
2) Unable to authenticate to use afs=0A:~ > klog.krb5 -noprdb=0APassword fo=
r user_name@employer_domain: =0A[no further output!]=0A=0A:~ > tokens=0A=0A=
Tokens held by the Cache Manager:=0A=0ATokens for afs@employer_domain [Expi=
res Jan=A0 6 17:51]=0A=A0=A0 --End of list--=0A=0A=0A> However, that warnin=
g suggests that you may not be able to reach your employer's servers. Can y=
ou access /afs/employer_domain at all?=0A=0A:~ > cd /afs/employer_domain/=
=0A:/afs/employer_domain > /bin/ls -a=0A/bin/ls: cannot open directory .: C=
onnection timed out