[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS 1.6.0 with Microsoft Active Directory 2008
- Questions about DES
Douglas E. Engert
Thu, 05 Jan 2012 13:27:31 -0600
Another tool that could help is Wireshark to get network traces.
It does a very nice job of formatting the Kerberos packets, and can
show problems with KDC, principal, enc-type, kvno and cross realm issues.
One other long shot to look at, is the realm of the AFS server.
Jeff Altman said in 2007:
> Where you will experience great pain is if the realm derived
> from the name of the db servers does not match the authentication
> realm of the cell. The heuristic used by aklog to obtain the
> correct service ticket is to perform a domain to realm mapping
> on the hostname of the first db server. This is either derived
> from the hostname itself or by looking at the domain_realm
> section of the local machine's krb5.conf file.
So it could be looking for CSSD.PITT.EDU
On 1/5/2012 12:14 PM, Jeff White wrote:
> On 01/05/2012 12:02 PM, Andrew Deason wrote:
>> On Thu, 05 Jan 2012 11:31:01 -0500
>> Jeff White<jaw171@pitt.edu> wrote:
>>> 1. He created an AD domain called ad.dementia.org.
>>> 2. He created a user with a logon name of 'afs-adtest'.
>>> 3. He exported the keytab with: ktpass -princ
>>> afs/adtest.dementia.org@AD.DEMENTIA.ORG -mapuser afs -pass * -crypto
>>> DES-CBC-MD5 -out afs-keytab
>>> 4. Imported the keytab with: asetkey add 3 /etc/afs.keytab
>>> afs/adtest.dementia.org@AD.DEMENTIA.ORG
>>> Why didn't he use the logon name afs-adtest in that ktpass command?
>> I don't have that presentation in front of me, but that may have just
>> been a mistake.
>>> Where did 'afs/adtest.dementia.org@AD.DEMENTIA.ORG' come from,
>>> particularly the 'afs/adtest.dementia.org' part? His logon name is
>>> not afs and what is adtest?
>> I don't know the internal AD details etc, but conceptually that commands
>> maps the principal name afs/adtest.dementia.org@AD.DEMENTIA.ORG to the
>> AD user "afs" (or "afs-adtest" or whatever you call it). OpenAFS by
>> convention uses the principal name afs/<cell_name>@REALM for krb5. So,
>> adtest.dementia.org is the AFS cell name in that example.
>>> $ aklog -d
>>> Authenticating to cell pitt.edu (server afs-dev-03.cssd.pitt.edu).
>>> Trying to authenticate to user's realm PITT.EDU.
>>> Getting tickets: afs/pitt.edu@PITT.EDU
>>> Kerberos error code returned by get_cred : -1765328164
>>> aklog: Couldn't get pitt.edu AFS tickets:
>>> aklog: unknown RPC error (-1765328164) while getting AFS tickets
>> Well, you're getting a different error this time, so that's something.
>> What krb5 implementation are you running on that machine? I think that
>> error is KRB5_REALM_CANT_RESOLVE... is PITT.EDU in krb5.conf, or in dns
>> or what? Anything odd with that configuration?
> Jeffrey Altman:
> A GPO was created to allow DES in Kerberos and linked to the Domain Controllers container.
> Andrew Deason:
> Bah, there was a DNS problem. I fixed that and I'm back to the first error. I made sure to use the principal afs/pitt.edu@PITT.EDU for the principal in the keytab which should be correct (user is afs,
> cell is pitt.edu, realm is PITT.EDU). This is on RHEL 6.1 x64 and should be using MIT's Kerberos implementation for the client as provided by RedHat.
> [root@afs-dev-03 ~]# rpm -qa | grep krb
> krb5-devel-1.9-22.el6_2.1.x86_64
> krb5-libs-1.9-22.el6_2.1.x86_64
> krb5-workstation-1.9-22.el6_2.1.x86_64
> openafs-krb5-1.6.0-1.el6.x86_64
> pam_krb5-2.3.11-6.el6.x86_64
> Douglas Engert:
> Yes, I can get a ticket.
> [root@afs-dev-03 ~]# kinit -V jaw171@PITT.EDU
> Using default cache: /tmp/krb5cc_0
> Using principal: jaw171@PITT.EDU
> Password for jaw171@PITT.EDU:
> Authenticated to Kerberos v5
> [root@afs-dev-03 ~]# klist
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
> Default principal: jaw171@PITT.EDU
> Valid starting Expires Service principal
> 01/05/12 12:48:35 01/05/12 22:48:37 krbtgt/PITT.EDU@PITT.EDU
> renew until 01/12/12 12:48:35
> [root@afs-dev-03 ~]# aklog -d
> Authenticating to cell pitt.edu (server afs-dev-03.cssd.pitt.edu).
> Trying to authenticate to user's realm PITT.EDU.
> Getting tickets: afs/pitt.edu@PITT.EDU
> Kerberos error code returned by get_cred : -1765328370
> aklog: Couldn't get pitt.edu AFS tickets:
> aklog: unknown RPC error (-1765328370) while getting AFS tickets
> Yea, I shouldn't be getting user tickets/token as root but whatever, this is just a test box and a test principal.
> I was sent the URL http://openafs-wiki.stanford.edu/AFSLore/win2008r2adaskdc/ by Lars Schimmer but making the registry change it said was needed made it so I can no longer log into my DC at all, even
> on the console. Time to wipe out the DC and start everything over again.
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Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444