[OpenAFS] Re: Shared admin access for buildbot master
Andrew Deason
Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:50:00 -0500
On Tue, 10 Sep 2013 04:20:11 -0700
Ted Creedon <tcreedon@easystreet.net> wrote:
> Would a SuSE build slave be helpful?
We currently already have openSuSE build slaves, but the 32-bit one is
the slowest slave right now, I think. If you can offer a 32-bit openSuSE
slave that can build the tree in about 18 minutes or less (including
'regen.sh', configure, and make), yes, that may be useful.
Alternatively, if you can only offer 64-bit, or if it's slower than 18
minutes, it may still be useful. Right now we only allow one buildslave
per platform, but maybe that will change. If that changes, then yes, any
such machine would be useful.
This is assuming that you're willing to kick the machine when it breaks,
and perform any necessary maintenance and upgrades. That is what I
believe is being referred to by "We've had fewer people offer to
administer build slaves than host them."
Andrew Deason