[OpenAFS] Re: Can't start afsd

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk@MIT.EDU
Fri, 4 Jul 2014 21:02:54 -0400 (EDT)

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On Fri, 4 Jul 2014, Jean-Marc Choulet wrote:

> That works fine if I use :
> # /sbin/afsd -verbose
> ... but not with /etc/init.d/openafs-client
> Le 04/07/2014 22:48, Jean-Marc Choulet a =E9crit :
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem when I try to start afsd :
>> root@afs-db01:~# /etc/init.d/openafs-client start
>> Starting AFS services: openafs afsd.
>> afsd: ASSERT: cacheFiles 1000  diskblocks -26
>> I can access to my cell from my windows client but not from my linux=20
>> client.
>> root@afs-db01:~# lsmod | grep afs
>> openafs               614214  0
>> Do you why I can't start afsd ?

This behavior is due to the following code:

%            /* Sanity check: If the obtained number of disk cache files
%             * is larger than the number of available (4k) disk blocks, we=
%             * doing something wrong. Fail hard so we can fix the bug inst=
%             * of silently hiding it like before */
%            if (cacheFiles > (cacheBlocks - INFOSZ) / 4) {
%                fprintf(stderr,
%                        "%s: ASSERT: cacheFiles %d  diskblocks %d\n",
%                        rn, cacheFiles, (cacheBlocks - INFOSZ) / 4);
%                exit(1);
%            }

The contents of the cacheinfo file and the command line used to invoke=20
afsd seem of particular relevance.

-Ben Kaduk