[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.6.5 on OSX

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
Sun, 26 Apr 2015 11:55:28 +0200

I used (Open)AFS quite extensively a couple of years ago, but
when I retired all my personal servers and outsourced everything,
I stopped using it [afs].

I've now started using it again, but in a much smaller scale.

I've used MIT Kerberos all the time (just not AFS) so I had the
basic infrastructure [still] there. So getting it to work on
my Linux machines was =85 'reasonably easy'. So I figured I'd try
to install it on my MacBook with OSX v10.7.5 (Lion).

So I downloaded the OpenAFS dmg from the OpenAFS.org site and
installed it.

That doesn't seem to work. AT ALL.

I have no problem getting a ticket:

	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ kinit
	turbo@INT.BAYOUR.COM's Password:=20
	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ klist
	Credentials cache: API:501:5
	        Principal: turbo@INT.BAYOUR.COM
	  Issued           Expires          Principal
	Apr 26 11:39:08  Apr 26 21:39:06  =

(INT for 'INTERNAL' - because I'm running it on my home server - to not
confuse it if/when I reinstate the 'real' domain one day on 'The =

But aklog don't want to work:

	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ aklog -d
	Authenticating to cell int.bayour.com (server Celia.bayour.com).
	Trying to authenticate to user's realm INT.BAYOUR.COM.
	Getting tickets: afs/int.bayour.com@INT.BAYOUR.COM
	Kerberos error code returned by get_cred : -1765328228
	aklog: Couldn't get int.bayour.com AFS tickets:
	aklog: unknown RPC error (-1765328228) while getting AFS tickets

Apparently that error indicates that it can't reach 'something' (unsure
of what - haven't found a good google search to revile anything).

This 'of course' works on my linux server:

	[celia.pts/5]$ kinit
	Password for turbo@INT.BAYOUR.COM:=20
	[celia.pts/5]$ klist
	Ticket cache: FILE:/home/turbo//.ssh/krb5_cache_file
	Default principal: turbo@INT.BAYOUR.COM
	Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
	04/26/15 11:41:21  04/26/15 21:41:21  =
	        renew until 04/27/15 11:41:19
	[celia.pts/5]$ aklog -d
	Authenticating to cell int.bayour.com (server Celia.bayour.com).
	Trying to authenticate to user's realm INT.BAYOUR.COM.
	Getting tickets: afs/int.bayour.com@INT.BAYOUR.COM
	Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
	About to resolve name turbo to id in cell int.bayour.com.
	Id 1
	Set username to AFS ID 1
	Setting tokens. AFS ID 1 @ int.bayour.com=20
	[celia.pts/5]$ klist
	Ticket cache: FILE:/home/turbo//.ssh/krb5_cache_file
	Default principal: turbo@INT.BAYOUR.COM
	Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
	04/26/15 11:41:21  04/26/15 21:41:21  =
	        renew until 04/27/15 11:41:19
	04/26/15 11:41:25  04/26/15 21:41:21  =
	        renew until 04/27/15 11:41:19

The OSX OpenAFS GUI didn't want to add and save the 'int.bayour.com'
cell information, so I had to add it manually to the CellServDB file:

	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ head =
	>int.bayour.com         #Bayour.COM                    #Celia.bayour.com
	>grand.central.org      #GCO Public CellServDB 28 Jan 2013

Before that it just said something about not being able to know anything
about the cell (forgot the exact message). When I installed it, it asked
for the default cell, and that seems to be ok:

	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ cat =

I've been trying to add 'stuff' to the krb5.conf file, but none seems
to be working (from an OpenAFS standpoint anyway):

	Turbo-Fredrikssons-MacBook:~ turbo$ cat /etc/krb5.conf
		 default_realm =3D INT.BAYOUR.COM
		 allow_weak_crypto =3D true
		 forwardable =3D true
		 proxiable =3D true
		 dns_lookup_kdc =3D false
		 dns_lookup_realm =3D false
		 allow_weak_crypto =3D true
		.bayour.com =3D INT.BAYOUR.COM
		 bayour.com =3D INT.BAYOUR.COM
		 	kdc =3D celia.bayour.com
		 	admin_server =3D celia.bayour.com
		kdc =3D FILE:/var/log/kdc.log
		default =3D SYSLOG:INFO:USER
		krb4_convert =3D true
		krb4_get_tickets =3D false
I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they
make as they go by.
- Douglas Adams