[OpenAFS] windows client and git

Jan Pospíšil honik@kma.zcu.cz
Tue, 10 Nov 2015 17:46:27 +0100

Hello, I am using git with repositories on AFS and I am getting the following errors

error: unable to open object pack directory: ./objects/pack: Function not implemented

when working with the repository on a Windows machine (win10 64bit, openafs-client 1.7.3100, git 2.6.2.windows.1). The issue is fully described here:


One git guy said that it is a problem with OpenAFS on windows and not git. I have to admit that if I work with the repository on AFS filesystem in other OSes (Linux Debian, Mac OSX, ...) they are fully operational without any error, so my impression is that the error might be either in git for windows or in openafs-client for windows, or both. Unfortunately I do not know how to debug the problem any further.

Is there someone in the list who could for example try to reproduce the error?
Could someone tell me how one could debug the problem in order to detect the core of the problem?

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards
Jan Pospisil

Jan Pospisil, Ph.D.           e-mail: honik@kma.zcu.cz
University of West Bohemia    phone:  (+420) 37763-2675
Department of Mathematics     fax:    (+420) 37763-2602
Plzen, Czech Republic         address: Univerzitni 22, 306 14