[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.8.0 alpha 1 available
Gaja Sophie Peters
Mon, 2 Jan 2017 17:58:34 +0100
Am 01.01.17 um 23:07 schrieb Jeffrey Altman:
> On 1/1/2017 1:38 PM, Gaja Sophie Peters wrote:
>> I wonder if this problem is related to the matlab "bug" (a little
>> off-topic maybe, but who knows) Matlab simply won't start from a
>> directory with @sys in the path,
> I'm curious about this "matlab" incompatibility. Can you clarify what
> you mean by "a directory with @sys in the path"? Do you mean:
> 1. a path component "@sys" is being passed to Matlab?
> /afs/cell-name/appl/@sys/bin/prog
Exactly. Starting Matlab with the path
shows only the window "Activate Matlab Software". Starting explicitly
Matlab starts cleanly (interestingly today even after I had started it
once with @sys - which at some point a few years ago didn't work until
after a reboot)
> 2. a path component that is a symlink whose target path
> contains @sys?
> /afs/cell-name/appl/bin/prog
That as well.
$ ls -al /afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/software/bin/matlab2016b-syslink
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 30 Dez 31 22:52
/afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/software/bin/matlab2016b-syslink ->
Starting the command
results also just in the activation windows. We use a starting-script
that looks explicitly for @sys in the "syslink" symbolic link and
replaces it with $(fs sysname), so that the command
in the end finds the correct location for matlab
Some time in early 2014 I tried (unsuccessfully) to tweak the actual
starting-script for matlab, but then came other things, and I postponed
it again. (also, our work-around works...) The "real" problem is within
the MATLAB executable (or some java-libary) itself.
doesn't work (asks for activation):
Gaja Peters