[OpenAFS] vos release stops at 2^64 packets sent.

Richard Brittain Richard.Brittain@dartmouth.edu
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 15:18:00 -0400 (EDT)

I know this is a long shot, but I've got a no-quota volume of approx 6TB, 
and I'm trying to replicate it.  It appears to be going fine until the 
packetRead counter reaches 2^64 and then it stops (doesn't abort).
Servers are 1.6.22 (I thought I'd retire then before now, so didn't bother 
upgrading to 1.8.x).  If 1.8 might change this limit, I can upgrade, but I 
didn't find any hints in the release notes.

Based on how long it ran, my guess is > 5TB was transferred.
Is this affected by volser buffer sizes ?


Richard Brittain,  Research Support Services
                    Information Technology and Consulting
                    512 Remsen, HB6219
                    Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755
Richard.Brittain@dartmouth.edu 603-646-2085