[OpenAFS-win32-devel] AFS Server on Windows now works - please test new builds

Douglas E. Engert deengert@anl.gov
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 09:42:24 -0600

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> I have uploaded new test builds dated 20040402 to
>     /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/j/a/jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/
>     http://web.mit.edu/~jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/
> The major changes since 1.3.62 are the following:
>     * All of the resource files have been restructured to adhere to
>       a set of rules IBM implemented for loading string resources.
>       These rules had either been forgotten or were not discovered
>       by folks working on the OpenAFS sources.  The end result was
>       memory corruption.  This is primary item which was preventing
>       the AFS Server from working.
>     * Increased the size of the maximum ticket size stored in a token
>       from 344 bytes to 4096.  Increased the buffers used to convey
>       messages between the pioctl() caller and the SMB Server from
>       1000 bytes to 8196.  The code appeared to have been writing
>       above the top of the stack by quite a few number of bytes.
>       (please let me know if this solves the afsd_service.exe crashing
>       when the service is shutdown.)  The increased ticket size is
>       necessary for the next item.

I read somewhere that in 2003 the Microsoft max ticket size was increased from 
8000 to 12000 bytes. You may wish to consider this too. 

As a side note, Microsoft has been promissing a mod for AD 2003 to be able
to issue service tickets without a PAC. We even tested it. But it is still
not packaged as a hotfix I have been asking for this since August. 
(I will bug them again.)   Your above change makes this mod less critical, 
at least for AFS. 

>     * When obtaining AFS Tokens via KFW, krb524 is no longer required.
>       Instead the raw Kerberos 5 ticket is used in its entirety.  This
>       is extremely important as it allows us to use pure Kerberos 5 KDCs
>       as the source of the AFS authentication.  The use of 4096 byte long
>       tickets will allow tickets produced by all versions of Microsoft
>       Active Directory to be used.
>         create a user account.
>         designate it DES only
>         disable pre-auth
>         specify its UPN to be  "afs@realm"
>         assign a SPN of "afs/cellname" to the UPN with setspn.exe
>     *

Working on msklog yesterday, which almost does the same thing as above, I think
I found a bug in openafs src/rxkad/ticket5.c  This is used on the
AFS servers. In the krb5_des_decrypt routine, the variable ret is not initilized. 
If the etype is not ETYPE_DES_CBC_CRC, no cksum_fun is set, 
so ret is never set. ret is then used as the return code which may be garbage. 

This means that a des-cbc-md5 ticket may be rejected. 
I am still looking at this. 

> Do not enforce the funky 8dot3 pattern matching rule that the first "."
> is special when using long file names.  (you must use "*.*" and not "*")
> Instead only enforce it when performing 8dot3 searches.
> Note:  The following items are known to be horribly broken in this build:
>     * The AFS Shell Extensions menu is entirely non-functional
>     * The installer launches the AFS Server Configuration tool on an upgrade
>       in a mode which forces server configuration as opposed to management.
>     * Every other reported bug in the OpenAFS Request Tracker
> When installing the AFS Server note the following things:
>     * if you are installing the AFS Server on a machine which has the
>       loopback
>       adapter installed, you must add an entry into the
>         %WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts
>       file for the IP Address you chose to use
>     * you must have an empty NTFS partition available before you start the
>       installation process
>     * do not turn on Freelance mode when installing the AFS Server
>     * The "afs" password you enter on the first screen must match the
>       password
>       you specify in the Active Directory or the KDC.  This password will be
>       entered into the local kaserver database for you in case you are not
>       using KFW.
>     * Performance sucks when the client and the server are both on the same
>       machine and you are writing to a read-write volume
> Enjoy!!!!


 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert@anl.gov>
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439 
 (630) 252-5444