[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Registry Keys aren't being applied and more.
Asanka Herath
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 17:27:45 -0400
> The questions I have deal with OpenAFS not accepting some of the options I pass to it via a transform file. The
first problem of particular concern is where the AFS Cache is saved. I read the registry.txt file you provided and I
created a reg_SZ value under:
> [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]
> CachePath = "%systemdrive%\TEMP\AFSCache"
> but when I deploy the transform to a machine the Cache file is always located in the root directory. I check to see
whether the transform was applied and i find out it is but not all the options are being applied. I know its being
applied because I specified some other options in
> [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider]
> and those are represented.
Please see section 2.1 of the msi-deployment-guide.txt included in the release for details about how to set the cache
path and other options. In fact, if you are going to be developing transforms against the MSI, you should go through
the whole document.
(If you are going to use unexpanded environment variables in registry values, you should be using REG_EXPAND_SZ. But
that point is moot since you should really be setting the MSI properties mentioned in the deployment guide instead of
adding registry keys.)
> Aside from that minor issue I can't seem to get OpenAFS to work consistently. With our setup we have a windows domain
(ECSEL) and a MIT kerberos realm(cede.psu.edu). For some reason beyond my knowledge our previous admin disabled the
integrated logon feature of OpenAFS and we used a script to run aklog and grab our afs tokens and mount the users home
directory. So this is the method I was trying to stick with. For OpenAFS 1.3.7000 I created a transform that disables
integrated logon and on the test machine this registry key was applied. But when I log on the first time via MITkerb
domain OpenAFS seems to function correctly. I say this because the afscreds program says it has the correct tokens and
when I run Klist all the tokens are listed that I should have but when I try to browse to \\AFS\cede.psu.edu\ I am
unable to do so.
>I am running MIT Kerberos for Windows 2.6.3, and from the documentation that I have read this is the prefered Kerberos
client. And the machines AFS is being deployed to is WinXP /sp1.
First of all, please make sure that you are using the 'aklog.exe' that's packaged with OpenAFS and not the aklog that's
packaged with Kerberos for Windows or any other distribution.
Also, 'klist' only lists Kerberos tickets. You can run 'tokens' to view the AFS tokens that you have acquired.
You should consider preventing afscreds from renewing drive maps if you are manually mapping drives into AFS from a
login script. Otherwise, afscreds may unmap those drives at startup. (you can use the CREDSRENEWDRMAP property in the
MSI to set this at installation).
Aside from that, we have a few questions :
* Was this an upgrade or a fresh install of 1.3.7000 ?
* Are you using freelance mode? And if so, what are the contents of HKLM\Software\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance in the
* Can you browse \\AFS\all ?
* Can you browse \\AFS\athena.mit.edu ?
* Can you browse \\AFS\cede.psu.edu without tokens? (i.e. run 'unlog' and then try to browse \\AFS\cede.psu.edu)
* When you tried to browse \\AFS\cede.psu.edu and failed, were you using a mapped drive or using UNC paths directly in
Explorer or cmd ?
* Please send us the last continuous block of log information from the AFS Client startup log located at
%WINDIR%\TEMP\afsd_init.log. (This is mentioned in the 'Reporting Bugs' section of afs-install-notes.txt.)
Please go through the released documents (afs-install-notes.txt, msi-deployment-guide.txt and additionally
registry.txt), especially if you are managing a deployment. These contain useful information about setting up AFS,
deployment, issues you might run into and how to report bugs. It would make things much easier for us if these
instructions are followed.
-- Asanka