[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Re: Newbie Question

Jonathan Z. Simon jzsimon@eng.umd.edu
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 11:43:28 -0400

I found the UNC guide extremely helpful in getting openafs up and 

I wrote a csh script that automates some of the steps in the UNC guide 
below. It changes the uid of a user via NetInfo (actually niutils) and 
it uses find to update the necessary file uids.

[It does not require a root account (I prefer to do everything via 
sudo), it does a moderate amount of error checking (does the user exist? 
is the new uid already in use? are you trying to change the account from 
which you are working from? etc.), and it echoes an example of how to 
change files on non-root partitions.]

I've put it at http://www.isr.umd.edu/~jzsimon/afs/changeUpdateUID and I 
hope it's useful for someone out there (comments are welcome).

Finally, Bil, I have one important comment about your afs-macosX help 
page: The line

cp -pR  /Users/<old Mac username>/*   /Users/<onyen>

is very dangerous on a typical Mac OS X account, because it will mangle 
files that have resource forks (including any alias files) by ignoring 
the resource fork completely.  You should strongly consider using "CpMac 
-r -p" or "ditto -rsrc" instead.

Unfortunately neither of of these  options is a drop-in replacement for 
cp. CpMac doesn't maintain creation & modification dates (it maintains 
permissions whenever I use it, but there are claims on the web that it 
doesn't always do that). ditto is much more intelligent, but it will 
merger directories rather than just copy them, so it requires an extra 
step of removing any files that are already present. For a good 
discussion see 


On Friday, August 16, 2002, at 08:32  PM, bil wrote:

> This might help (step 4 is optional even at unc, it's just to have your 
> home dir locally map to your afs space).
> http://www.unc.edu/atn/dci/dci_components/afs/install/afs-macosX.html
Jonathan Z. Simon
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering/Dept. of Biology
University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742 USA
Office: 1-301-405-3645, Lab: 1-301-405-6581, Fax: 1-301-314-9281