[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Disk Arbitration and OpenAFS

John C. Welch jwelch@bynkii.com
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 18:57:56 -0400

On 04/14/2003 15:56, "Alexei Kosut" <akosut@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:

> One way to fix this is to make sure DiskArb knows about AFS before it
> notices it on its own.  I believe if you put "diskutil -r" in the
> OpenAFS StartupItems script (it needs to be done after AFS is mounted,
> but before the Finder launches), it may help.

Can this be the last line in the script or should it be somewhere else in
the script?

> My Mac OS X integration patches
> (http://rescomp.stanford.edu/~akosut/macosx/openafs/) will make afsd
> register with DiskArb when it mounts /afs.  I've found that this
> most of the problems like the one you've noted.

Do you have a howto on applying the patches to the 1.2.8 source?


John C. Welch         Writer/Analyst
Bynkii.com             Mac and other opinions