[OpenAFS-port-darwin] new Openafs1.2.9 package

Steve Burling srb@umich.edu
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 22:04:28 -0400

--On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:02 AM -0700 Alexei Kosut 
<akosut@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Eject it from the Finder, like any other network volume.  You can also
> use umount from the command line (although that runs the risk of
> confusing the Finder, since it may think the volume is still mounted).

To which I reply:

Ok, I've figured out my confusion, I think.  Is it the case that in order 
for the Finder to acknowledge its existence, the volume has to be mounted 
in /Volumes?  What I had done was to create a directory (in /tmp), and then 
used that as the second argument for mount_afs, as in:

    ./mount_afs user.xxx /tmp/xxx

That resulted in me being able to see the contents of the volume by looking 
in /tmp/xxx, but it didn't show up as a mounted volume to the Finder, and I 
couldn't get rid of it except by rebooting.  Just now, I created a 
directory in /Volumes and used that as the second argument to mount_afs, 
and then it showed up in the Finder, and I could eject it.  One 
inconsistency I noticed, though, is that the directory has to exist before 
mount_afs will mount into it, and then ejecting the volume causes the 
directory to go away.

Sorry to be so dense about this, but I feel as if I've *almost* (but not 
quite) got it...

                                             -- Steve

Steve Burling                                    <mailto:srb@umich.edu>
University of Michigan, ICPSR                    Voice: +1 734 615.3779
330 Packard Street                               FAX:   +1 734 647.8700
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2910