[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Prereleases and CVS problems

Alden Stradling Alden.Stradling@cern.ch
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:27:33 +0100

I get some errors while working with the binaries found at


The errors have continued with all the RCs and CVS snapshots that I  
have examined (up to 5 Nov, actually, when the CVS versions started  
giving the libjuafs missing error (described in a later email)).

CERN has a mixed 1.2/1.3 server environment. The binaries work with  
1.2 but not completely with 1.3. This has been an ongoing problem.

There has been some improvement - the binaries were the first Tiger  
build I saw that let me list the directory contents, for example -  
but I get the constant switching between the "." and the folder  
names, and the error messages are not encouraging.

Files copy fine, and I do in fact have permissions - there just seems  
to be a glitch somewhere in the recognition of that.

Any problems can be checked by looking at /afs/cern.ch/atlas.




[Satchel stradling]$ cd /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/dist
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel .]$ ls
job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd:  
cannot access parent directories: Permission denied
1.0.1   10.0.3  10.0.6  10.3.0  10.5.0  3.2.1  7.0.0  7.2.0  7.8.0   
8.0.8  9.0.0  9.1.1  9.3.0          Distribution  Log       
logs            remove       trials
10.0.1  10.0.4  10.1.0  10.4.0  11.0.0  6.0.2  7.0.2  7.5.0  8.0.2   
8.7.0  9.0.2  9.1.2  AtlasLogin     Doxygen       current   
nightlies       rulechecker  www
10.0.2  10.0.5  10.2.0  10.4.1  3.0.2   6.0.3  7.0.3  7.6.0  8.0.5   
8.8.1  9.0.4  9.2.0  AtlasSettings  InstallArea   latest    
orig_links.log  taginfo
[Satchel .]$ cd 10.5.0
chdir: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel 10.5.0]$ cd /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/dist/10.5.0
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel .]$ ls
job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd:  
cannot access parent directories: Permission denied
Applications            AtlasGeometryCommon          
Calorimeter          External        MagneticField      
Reconstruction   Tools     atlsim   gcalor   graphics   taginfo
AtlasConditionsRunTime  AtlasPolicy                  
Commission           Generators      Monitoring         
Simulation       Tracking  atrecon  geant3   jetfinder
AtlasCoreRunTime        AtlasReconstructionRunTime   
Control              InnerDetector   MuonSpectrometer   
TestBeam         Trigger   atutil   gencl    qmtest
AtlasCxxPolicy          AtlasRelease                 
Database             InstallArea     Physics            
TestLog          atdummy   cmt      genslug  qmtestDbg
AtlasEventRunTime       AtlasSystemSettings          
DetectorDescription  LArCalorimeter  PhysicsAnalysis    
TestPolicy       atgen     commons  genz     share
AtlasFortranPolicy      AtlasTest                    
Event                Log             QALog              
TileCalorimeter  atlfast   dice     ggenz    slug
[Satchel .]$ cd AtlasTest
chdir: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel AtlasTest]$ ls
AtlasTest-AtlasOffline-00-01-06  ControlTest  CppUnitExample   
CppUnitSGServiceExample  DatabaseTest  DetDescrTest  EventTest   
IOVASCIIDbSvc  NightlyTestTools  TestTools
[Satchel AtlasTest]$ cd DatabaseTest/
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
cd: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel .]$ ls
job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd:  
cannot access parent directories: Permission denied
AthenaPoolMultiTest  AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool  ConnectionTest   
DatabaseTest-AtlasOffline-00-01-06  IOVDbTestAthenaPool   
RDBAccessTest  TagCollectionTest
AthenaPoolTest       AthenaPoolTestData        DBConnSvcTest    
IOVDbTestAlg                        IOVDbTestConditions  SealDictTest
[Satchel .]$ cd ConnectionTest/
chdir: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent  
directories: Permission denied
[Satchel ConnectionTest]$ ls
[Satchel ConnectionTest]$

Alden Stradling
