[OpenAFS-port-darwin] tiger comments

Chaskiel M Grundman cg2v@andrew.cmu.edu
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 23:21:18 -0500

> First question: if one is without network, is the -nomount option (which
> is still there) still necessary? Or should -fakestat-all let the finder
> do the right thing and not hang forever?
-nomount or -dynroot is required if you want to start the client without 

> Third: If one attempts to drag the afs icon to the trash, instead of
> ejecting, a box appears saying "preparing to move one item into the
> trash". The box stays like this... clicking the cancel button does not
> appear to do anything. Had to forcibly restart the computer. On a
> subsequent boot, doing an eject via the eject icon next to the afs icon
> in a finder window worked just fine.
It is possible that the umount operation hung. if that happened, it would 
not be possible to interrupt the thread that attempted the shutdown, which 
may cause the behavior you saw.

> Fourth: Computer seems to hang if not ejecting afs on shutdown.
A fix for this has been committed to CVS and will appear in CVS (shutdown 
still might hang if a process hangs in afs before the shutdown, but the 
general "hangs during shutdown" case will be fixed)

> Seventh: The non-working afssettings... what exactly is that supposed to
> do, and how does it differ from afsd.options ?
It allows you to configure whether or not the client lies about file modes. 
the interface it uses will be supported in -rc5 and it will stop 