[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Mavericks port?

RD Schaffer R.D.Schaffer@cern.ch
Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:54:10 +0100

Hi there,

  Basic question: any idea when a port might be available for Mavericks?

A more detailed question: looking at Matt Haught's comments on 25 Oct:

> Do a show package contents on the OpenAFS.pkg and then edit
> Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck
> change
> if [ $majorvers -ne 12 ]; then
> to
> if [ $majorvers -ne 13 ]; then

I have been able to view InstallationCheck, but I haven't figured out =
how to change and save the change. The file seems to be read-only and I =
do see how to change this status.

              thanks, RD Schaffer

Email:       R.D.Schaffer@cern.ch=20
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