[OpenAFS-port-freebsd] freebsd help

Tom Maher tardis@watson.org
11 Jun 2002 15:11:36 -0400

So, I'm graduated and have time to work again.  I spent a chunk of last 
week getting the client to compile on FreeBSD 5.0 developer preview 1 
(like a pre-beta snapshot or something before they make 5.0 the new 
stable branch in November).  It's at the point where I can start afsd, 
it builds the local cache directory tree, mounts /afs, and I can walk 
around in the directory tree, and fs & vos & pts appear to be working 
mostly right. 
The problem is that on files over one cache chunk in size, things
break.  I can read & write files, as long as they fit in one chunk.
reads & writes beyond that point just fail.

I've varied the -chunksize argument to afsd, and the problem continues
to occur at the chunk boundry, not 64KB.  If anyone has any ideas, or
could point me at the section of code I might care about, that could be
of great help.

My code is still kind of ugly and full of debugging statements to submit
to gatekeepers yet, but it's online at

Tom Maher