[OpenAFS-port-freebsd] Accessing /afs from FreeBSD Linux emulation
Jan Henrik Sylvester
Sat, 16 Apr 2016 18:09:17 +0200
[Resend, since the first one is in moderation for a few days now.]
On 10.3-RELEASE/amd64, I just tried to access /afs from the Linux
emulation on a remote machine -- now that machine does not even react to
ping anymore. I reproduced part of the problem locally on another machine:
ls /afs
The (Linux) ls process consumes a whole CPU core, outputs nothing, and
is unkillable. Of course, /afs is busy and I cannot umount it, either,
making a clean shutdown of the machine impossible.
On one machine, it was a 64bit Linux environment
(linux_base-c6_64-6.7_1), on the other, it was a 32bit Linux environment
Is accessing /afs from the Linux emulation supposed to work?
Jan Henrik