[AFS3-std] RxOSD claim on 2 structure members

Tom Keiser tkeiser@sinenomine.net
Mon, 8 Jun 2009 03:04:24 -0400

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Matt W. Benjamin<matt@linuxbox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> A priority for openafs is to merge the rxosd changeset. =A0One obstacle t=
o merging is the use of two 'unused' members in existing structures without=
 prior coordination. =A0We've been asked to move discussion of the topic in=
to this forum, which we hereby do.

Hi Matt,

Perhaps I'm missing some context since I couldn't make it to the
workshop this year, but I sense that we're really getting ahead of
ourselves -- rxosd (at least in the 1.4.8 tarball I received at the
Google hackathon) is neither cache coherent, nor consistent.  Until
we, as a community, have a chance to re-architect rxosd to follow afs3
semantics, and to properly support transactional semantics with regard
to vnodes and the volume package, I think it's premature to talk about
how afs3 should be modified to deal with these namespace collisions.

