[OpenAFS-devel] Large Caches: Implementation Discussion
Derek Atkins
17 Jul 2001 16:31:24 -0400
There were a few open issues with regards to my large-cache patch that
I sent in. As I recall, the issues were:
1) The name of the afsd option: I had used -files_per_subdir
but there was some objection that what I was really looking
for was the log2 of the number of files per subdir. Do
people really care? If so, do you have a suggestion?
2) The default subdirectory size. I default to 2^11 (2048)
files per subdir, which seems to work well for me. I don't
think this was an issue, but I thought I'd mention it just
in case.
3) Using 'D*' as the name of subdirs. If you don't like this,
please suggest an alternative. I personally don't have a
strong opinion, but I figured 'D == Directory' was a
reasonable choice.
4) Compatibility with old-style caches. As I mentioned, this
new cache method will destroy your existing cache files and
build a new one in subdirs. In effect, it will clear out
your old cache, so moving forward to a new-style cache will
DTRT and clear your cache directory appropriately. One
side effect is that if you ever try to use an old
(current?) cache-style afsd, it will complain about all the
subdirs (because you cannot unlink() a directory).
5) Over-riding the default "files_per_subdir" value even if
the user supplies a bad value. As I said, I do the same
think that chunkSize does in terms of processing user
input. I don't have a strong preference how this behaves.
I really don't expect users to even use the option.
6) It was requested to supply an option to turn this
functionality off. Consensus (as the IETF uses the phrase)
seems to be that this isn't needed.
7) There is no issue #7.
Once we clear up this list of issues we can get this code into the
repository. So, is there consensus on any of these issues? If you
have issues with the large-cache patch, please speak up.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available